Chocolate Chip Cookies by struan87

From GoonsWithSpoons
Revision as of 06:47, 31 August 2006 by CrackyMcZap (talk | contribs)
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I've read a bunch of food threads here, and I thought it's about time to share my favorite cookie recipe. These ain't no crappy toll house crunchslabs--these are soft, delicious, artery-clogging discs of goodness. Make them and weep with joy.

Throughout this recipe, the muderous chef will offer advice to aid your cooking: Wash your greasy hands before you handle food that someone else might eat, you slobbering pig!

First! Your ingredients: 19oz (~4c) flour 1 tsp salt 2 tsp baking soda 1c softened salted butter 1c white Crisco 1.5c white sugar 1.5c brown sugar 4 eggs 2-3 tsp Mexican vanilla 4c chocolate chips


chef:Use Mexican vanilla. When in doubt, look for a little stereotype on the package!Struan87-2.jpg