Tuna and Pasta Bake

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This is very yummy and cheap easy dish, add in whatever you want, or leave stuff out as need be. I can't cook for shit but I can (sorta) make this! It sure beats ramen and tuna!



  • 1 185g can of Tuna in Oil (Dolphin free!)
  • 1 400g can of chopped up tomatoes (almost any plain-ish style will do)
  • A serving of pasta - any shapes will do, but not spaghetti etc!
  • Cheese! Lots and lots of cheese. I have Cheddar and Mozzarella here*
  • Packet of sauce mix (optional - you can add your own spices etc)
  • I went mad and got the Mozzarella because I love cheesy things!


Step 1: Boil some water and plonk your pasta on it. Here I'm using Spirals, but anything will do in a pinch.


Pre-heat oven to about 200C.

Step 2: Once the pasta is mostly done (don't over cook it!) we put it aside. I used the baking dish to store it in.

Step 3: Dump in the tomatoes and tuna and any packet mix or spices you may have into the same pot. Heat. (I tend to add some cheese at this point, because, boy howdy, do I love cheese!)


Step 4: Chuck the pasta back into the party! Mix it all up for a bit - reduce the heat at this point so it doesn't stick or burn.

Step 5: Spoon mixture into a loaf style baking dish. Cover with yet more cheese - the more the better. Set in oven (pre-heated by now, remember). Sprinkle more cheese on top. Bake till the cheese on top looks good and melted, even a bit browned if you like it that way.



Then add some more cheese on top:




Yummy, yummy. In my tummy!