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Latest revision as of 19:03, 16 January 2007

Last but not least the dessert. I wanted to do something kind of fun for dessert and also pick something for my dad. Drambuie is pretty much his favorite liqueur and I personally have always loved the taste combination of good scotch and chocolate, so I figured drambuie would work well too. The power of the drambuie really comes through in the finished product with the crispy exterior and the crunchy pecan bits provided a little bit of extra work for the tastebuds.

Notes: This can of course be made without the nuts. I also chose to pan fry them rather than deep fry to keep the oilyness down a bit as well as not having to worry about them bursting.

Yield: About 25-40 spring rolls depending on rolling size.


  • 1 Cup of Bittersweet chocolate (I used bittersweet chips here since they were ridiculously cheap on sale compared to the block, but you can chop block chocolate too)
  • 1/2 Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1 TBSP Butter
  • 1 Cup, finely chopped pecans
  • 1/2 Cup of Drambuie (or Glayva I suppose)
  • 1 Package of Spring Roll wrappers.
  • Oil for Frying
  • 1 Egg


  • Throw the chocolate, condensed milk and butter in a bowl, do not mix. Toss in the microwave on high for 45 seconds or so until the chocolate is semi melted.


  • Mix thoroughly until everything is melted together and thickening, then add pecans and the drambuie.


  • Beat egg to use for sealing rolls.


  • Prep your rolling area, flat area with filling and egg wash handy and a pan to the side to place your prepped rolls. Also if you're me, swear loudly and pull your roll wrappers out of the freezer and frantically thaw them.


  • Placing the wrapped in a diamond shape as shown, place a small dollop of filling the the bottom corner of the diamond (Not too much, better underfilled than overfilled)


  • Fold over from the bottom as shown, then squeeze lightly out to the edge to it's reasonably tightly wrapped.


  • Fold in the left and right sides of the diamond so that you have a straight edge up and down, this should seal all but the top.


  • Roll upwards until the last corner of the diamond is all that's left, brush with egg and seal tight..

Ictoastchoc8.jpg Ictoastchoc9.jpg

  • Repeat ad nauseum
  • Heat up some oil, then gently pan fry your rolls, turning them as they brown


  • For this serving I added a bit more milk to some leftover filling and nuked it again until it was a thinner sauce and used it for dipping.


These got rave reviews.